
In 2014 I was preparing to become a teacher and was on the preparation course at the County College of Morris, in Randolph, New Jersey, USA. Our assignments were to create a lesson plan and teach the other teachers on the course for 10 minutes or so. For me, this was the first time I had ever stood in front of a room full of people and spoke with authority. I talked about "teachable moments." Back then, I could see the potential for where all of this could go, so I put together an idea for a website with tools and success stories for those going through tough times that others could use this resource as a guiding light.

I began interviewing at home in my studio, recording, designing, and for a while of not knowing what to do with all of the content I created (as I felt that something was missing), COVID happened. During this time, I joined the SEL (social, emotional learning) committee at school, and again the parts began to take shape as I saw a strong correlation between what I was doing several years back to what is needed today.
In my own time, in evenings and weekends, and during weeks off from work, I did nothing but work on this site and future app design and implementation.

With hundreds or thousands of hours invested into this and a few name changes over the years. I see the light of how MllO can be used with students and teachers of the world. This project was initially called "The Path We Take" I applied for a trademark, but that fell through as I didn't follow through with what was required to make the name mine legally. Today, I didn't make that mistake.

And today, MllO (mellow) is born. All perfect app names were taken, but as soon as I thought about "mellowing out" or to "chill" and relax, I knew something meaningful was in that. And upon looking up the greater meaning of mellow, all the pieces finally come together. The Logo and slogan become the top of the home webpage. Plus, who doesn't like a short, quirky name like MllO.

I will continue to grow and evolve the app into what it is destined to become. A resource and tool that is unlike anything released before it. Eventually, when the pieces are in place, I will release the app to the public for a small fee to help cover the free student and teacher access. This site is expensive to run (due to bandwidth), So many videos and audio files are well over an hour long each.

MllO will also have suggested curriculum content for teachers to integrate into their classes. Something to assist their students evolve emotionally, socially, helping them to grow in emotional intelligence.

From taking 5 minutes out of your day to mellow out a little, letting go of your stresses as you watch and listening to a meditation, or helping you fall asleep with an hour-long ASMR favorite sound of yours. MllO will help you become your best self. A critically thinking, self-aware, emotionally stable, and even-tempered citizen of the world.

Together, we got this!

Backed by Science, Bolstered by Experience, Built with Love.

Mr. Jones
Graphic Design, 3D Animation, Digital Media Instructor & Podcast producer
Northern New Jersey, USA

© Copyright - All Rights Reserved - Andrew Jones - MllO 2021

© Copyright - All Rights Reserved - Andrew Jones - MllO 2021