Written by creator, Andrew Jones
June 2021
Say Hello to MllO! (Pronounced Mellow)
Needs to be edited….
The current social-emotional availability of our youth is being stunted by a lack of understanding of how to “handle” emotions during these stressful times. The current climate of education and all of the pressures of adapting to meet these “newly discovered” emotional issues are avenues that many have not even begun to explore. Many of us have looked at a student who seems lazy or not putting in any effort for some reason, not understanding that there are other social and emotional issues possibly existing at the same time. Individuals are categorized unfairly as we do not have all the facts or emotional tools to look at situations objectively.
Being an adult does not mean that we are able assist others or teach others how to “adult.” Most of us are in various stages of emotional development within our lives. Each of us has triggers, emotional deficits, or an abundance of understanding from area to area.
A good Social Emotional Learning (S.E.L.) strategy can reduce suicides, mass shootings, and children who grow up with such mental and emotional handicaps in life—Helping students evolve into emotionally stable and fully functioning members of society who make better decisions. I realize that education does not sit with schools and teachers alone, but this is a joint effort between family, schools, society, and governments.
MllO and its future app are being created to promote and educate the healthy exploration and expression of emotional needs. To help resolve mental battles, help relieve stresses, gain a sense of control of our emotions, and understand what we are feeling. So frequently, lashing out results from frustration and not knowing why we feel the way we do, ultimately, feelings of a lack of control in general.
From Maslow’s hierarchy of needs to CASEL’s methodologies of raising and developing emotionally intelligent members of society. MllO strives to bring you the tools and understanding required to make growing up a little easier. Helping to educate the whole person, rather than the academic or skills based aspects of an individual.
Moments of reflection, solitude, and stillness can be an excellent way to allow those thoughts of understanding to bubble to the surface. So, within this app, I created an area with familiar sounds that help us feel at home, safe, and good inside. Those sounds, such as rain, the ocean, or a gas burner of a stovetop (for example), can take us to that place in our minds safely and allow us moments of decompression.
For our youth, the constant distraction of today’s world (texting, Instagram, YouTube, or Tik-Tok, etc.) keeps many from understanding what is happening internally, emotionally. Why do I feel sad all of a sudden? Why Am I angry right now? By not giving ourselves the time we need to digest mentally due to a constant social distraction barrage. This new way of life, for most, is filled with a rush of dopamine.
The tools within MllO are constantly edited and developed (improved) to allow you to find a home within, a center for peace and understanding, a center to learn and grow from. To help you resolve that conflict, show you how others have overcome incredible odds, to help give you a sense that you are not alone and that you can do this too.
Over the last almost seven years, I have been physically gathering the knowledge and understanding and tools needed to understand what I was dealing with and how to move forward. Six years ago, The Path We Take https://thepathwetake.org was created as a first attempt to create something to help. However, my understanding and emotional intelligence also had to develop before seeing the significant implications of all of this.
Today, with a year of quarantine behind us, massive changes in the way we teach, and seeing first hand the fragility of many of our students and faculty in this new situation. I knew I had to take a fresh look at how all of this could be compiled based on the foundation of Social Emotional Learning. To provide tools to help people become more aware of what they can become. I believe we can change the lives of millions for the better. For students and adults alike.
From the daily meditations or looking through the “Big Life Questions” section to the activities for understanding how to resolve a simple difference of opinion, MllO is here to offer some guidance through this whole process. Many of the concepts and activities in this app are backed by science, bolstered by experience, and built with love for what we do.
The site will eventually evolve into an app, available in both Apple and Android app stores. By covering those S.E.L. needs, offering many lesson plans, and do-nows for teachers, we aim to be trusted by schools and colleges for living and evolving in social and emotional areas, eventually enabling us to take MllO nationally and possibly worldwide.
Phase two of the process may be the translation for other languages to reach more people. And different sections of the app that I currently have on hold until we are caught up with the essential tools.
App development funding will be provided through a variety of methods that we are currently exploring. Some ideas are donations, sponsorships, branding to specific schools and colleges, P.D. for schools, etc. The list goes on. The goal is to keep this free for all students and teachers.
Due to the extensive audio and video files and the expected downloads, I imagine the bandwidth will be massive. To help burden the cost of this bandwidth, I plan on charging the general public a small fee for a lifetime of access. This will help me gather funding to turn MllO into a fully functioning application for both iOS and Android. In addition, the general public’s donations will keep the student and teacher access free of charge.
I am also delighted to announce that guidance counselor Miss Alima Pudup has recently joined me as a foundational partner in MllO. Along with David Ritchie and Daniel Ambrose, who are podcast co-hosts. And as MllO develops and expands, I am excited to see how these roles evolve.
Although my work and time spent creating all of the elements have been vast, gathering interviews and big life questions will continue for the foreseeable future—a constant stream of updating and keeping the content relevant. If you have a question, you would like to answer, and please feel free to record a voice response or type a reply on this page. (Coming soon)
If you would like to suggest a topic that we cover, please fill out this form. (I do not collect email addresses or names unless you specifically want me to quote your name on the website.)
Under construction, and more to come.