Low Self-Esteem

I am so sorry that you feel as though you are not enough, that maybe you feel you are lacking or inadequate in some way. As a constant theme in how I write my responses to each of these heavy emotions, I have also felt this in my life and I know how it can break us down. How it can take away hope and fill us with a dread of not measuring up to those things in life where we will be measured against, compared to and tested for.

Having seen this over and over in myself and others, I can tell you that with a little perseverance, this will be overcome. Tides and winds will change and the course of your life will seemingly change along with it. The truth is, these feelings are natural when we live in the world of social media, seeing all the amazing things others are achieving and doing. Though most of that is pure hype, fake.

The course of your life begins at birth, with no discernible skills, no trades, no way to say “Look at me, I’m the best baby there ever was!” You start as a blank slate, and over time, you begin to grow and evolve, changing your likes, dislikes, hobbies, learning different things along the way. A large part of this is also what your parents exposed you to over time, there is no right or wrong way of raising a child, except to raise with love. Due to this you have received over time, a fingerprint of attributes of those things that you have discovered you are able to do and enjoy, along with a healthy list of those things you dislike.

Your life has been different from others, your have had different amounts of time performing and enjoying other types of things. And during this time you have honed possibly a particularly different skillset. There is also the chance that the skills you are best suited to have not yet been discovered and developed.

Another part of this possible reality, is that more than likely you have not experimented, not played to see what are those things that you are amazing at, or that you enjoy.

Maybe people skills aren’t your thing, maybe sports isn’t for you either, But maybe your abilities lay within other more intricate, more specialized areas of life that only few are able to handle the complexity of such positions in life.

It IS my belief that we are all diamonds in the rough, that under the dirt and rough outer shell is a diamond waiting to be discovered within us all. Each facet is something that we can hone to become better as a human, until we shine in our specified field.

Try not to be concerned about where you are on the scale of life today. Just continue to grow, play, experiment, learn and evolve into what and who it is maybe destined for you to become (if you believe that sort of thing.)

It has been my experience in life that some peak at a young age and seem to fizzle out along the way as they forget to play, learn and grow, to discover who they are even further. The key is to keep going, keep growing. Your potential is unlimited. Anyone that has ever achieved greatness could have stopped trying years before they reached that time of greatness, never realizing their greatness at all.

As a common theme again that runs through all of these responses, If you are going through hell, Keep ON Going, because you are going to come out of the other side.

Comparing yourself to others can be a mistake. Yet it is that thing that causes more upset and heart ache than many of the emotional traps we can fall into in life. Measuring ourselves with the abilities and traits of others is a slippery slope. Once you start, it is hard to stop. And once you begin to feel as though you may be less than, it is probably easier for you fulfill your own self-fulfilling prophecy at that point.

As the saying goes, “As a man thinketh…” This eludes to the fact that whatever we believe and fill our minds with, we embody those thoughts and give them life. Maybe the trick is to believe and fill our minds with greater and better thoughts. To fell the fear and do it anyway. To see yourself in your minds eye as achieving success in the areas of life you wish to achieve it. Professional athletes do this every time. Prior to that high jump or javelin throw, they close their eyes and envision the perfect moves, a flawless depiction of their soon to be real life attempt. The science behind mental rehearsal is outstanding and conclusive. It basically shows that as you think and believe, you are much more likely to be rewarded favorably in the outcome. And as one of my favorite life-long quotes says, “Whether you think you can, or think you can’t, you are probably right.” – Henry Ford.

Some of the most beautiful flowers on the planet take years before they develop into their potential and the right circumstances exist before they open and bloom in their full glory. Sometimes these events are so heralded, the press and experts of the world wait with baited breath for what is coming. We all have aspects of that within us. 

When I was young, I felt useless with many of the topics in school. C grades mostly, except for art, and eventually human biology, since my interests were in how the body functions. I began working out and I wanted to learn how to grow bigger. At such a young age I felt as though it was my job to learn all I could about human biology. This has transformed thought the years, leading into such a complex understanding of diet and nutrition, the mind. And here I am trying to give you words to lift you, to give you above all else, hope. Who knew that all those years ago, after feeling so lost, hopeless, so inadequate compared to others, that I would be stepping into my purpose. And I still feel as though I am only just getting started.

So let’s begin to understand that although right now you may feel less than, you may feel as though you do not measure up, know that your life will unfold with unlimited potential. You just need to learn, grow and play with new things constantly over the years. You will find your gift, for we all have one, I truly believe that.

Now let’s put these heavy emotions behind us as we perform the 4,7, 8 breath…