Is life as hard as it seems?

Hi Andrew thanks for bringing this up or thanks to your students. I'm sure someone else has already said this in terms of is life really hard. I've gotten to a point where. Life is as hard as we perceive it to be and that may seem a little you know idyllic but I'm also thinking I've gotten to a point where it doesn't really matter. You know you know your crisis is not my crisis and don't worry about things that you can't control. So I'm having a bit of a Zen moment doesn't mean that you don't have to put in work. Obviously you have to do that you have to come up with a plan you have to execute your plan and that takes effort. But yeah it doesn't have to be really strenuous and stressful. That's what I think.

I think that it's all about perspective so there's always due diligence and focus that's required to have a certain amount of success for instance it was required for me to write my books and so I could have looked at that as hard or I could have looked at it as I did which was just a part of the process. So it's about balance and knowing work hard but also take time for yourself and play and make sure that you love yourself and treat yourself really super good and pamper yourself so that you have the energy and the focus when you need it and have to work hard so that would be my advice from a forty something year old.

Hi. Andrew, I'm also a sophomore. So I can have some great experience answering this question kind of depends on how you put yourself towards different people and how people see you and like what you do and if you take risks or not or whatever life isn't that hard but it really depends on what you're doing like if you're pushing yourself and challenging yourself do different things or do better in school or do you try to do things in school or whatever it is you might have a little difficult time with your life with a lot of the stuff and that's perfectly OK and not everyone has a stressful life it's just sometimes you just need a break you know. Sometimes you just need a break.

Hey what's going on Andrew. I think it all depends on how their life has been up until this point you know what type of challenges have they faced what type of challenges they have not faced you know has your life been easy has their life been filled the hardships will all depend wall basically factor into their perspective on how life is one stay you know graduate and eventually move on into becoming an adult but there's actually a quote that goes with your question and it goes like this being poor is hard being rich is hard, choose your hard. Thanks for listening, have a great day and talk to you soon.

Life is neither easy nor hard. It's all about individual perspective as far as what is hard to you as a person. Now that being said if you are the type of person that. Always seeks the path of least resistance and it will the easy path the easy way out every time that could end up making your life hard. Whereas if you're the type of person that goes for the challenges and works through the hard things that may end up making your life easy.

Andrew I would say that. Life is really easy. To actually live or living is the hard part and by living I mean following your passion taking action on things that you want to do so that they actually may manifest themselves into into real things so life in itself is pretty easy but living is the hard part.

That is a really good question Andrew I am a strong believer in life is really what you make of it I believe in mind over matter and. That life is ninety percent how you set the sail and only ten percent how the waves move.

I think absolutely life is as tough as it seems but that's a good thing it's good to have a struggle and to have hardship because when you appreciate what you have if it was always easy then you never would build your character. You know it's the tough stuff that makes us stronger and that's the stuff tough stuff that that grows us in fact one of my very favorite sayings is God is more in are interested in your character than he is your comfort you know they did a study of people before they got married and the ones that that marriage was just going to be so much five and were love and speak great they had a much tougher time and had a higher rate of divorce than those that women to it going you know what this is going to be tough but this is going to be worth it and the rewards are going to be worth the work.

Andrew love what you're doing when I when I hear that question I think of adaptation and how an environment will the mechanics it's gears are geared towards adapting you to the environment and of course we're humans. So we want to adapt to an environment and what makes life hard the actual hard part is the adaptation right because once you're used to something once you once you're there once new people and new jobs new skills new training new whatever all that's easier once you've adapted and acclimated to it so I've been through if not one hundred at least dozens tens of dozens of different environments and I'm always in the act of adapting which means I'm always in the act of the hardest part right and maybe the best thing if you want to actually avoid all the hardship is just finding the right environment and letting the adaptation happen. Thanks.

Andrew I think that life is way harder than it seems when you're that age. Granted there are a lot of things that we can do to ease that our attitude and our actions but I find that to be the beautiful thing about life because the harder. Life gets in my experience the harder life gets the more that I grow and the better I get and then the easier it gets it doesn't get easier just because you get older I mean shit you know you've got to work at it and the hardest things I have found the hardest things in life are the soft things. They are you know self worth and relationships and communication they're not things like hard skills you can go to school you can take a class you can get a mentor you can get a teacher and get the hard skills the soft skills are the ones I think we need to focus on the most chairs now.

Yeah Andor and if I might add just another two cents what came to mind when I relisten to my response was it's true for all ages but especially when you're young you don't know what you don't know. So you have a set of of what you think is true and what you think you want to do and what you think you know about the world. You might realize later. That that isn't actually the case but you also might realize later there are all of these nuances to it and all of these issues are challenges or opportunities that you never thought before because I don't think it's not hard is a bad thing. So perhaps coming from one background. You know what might be one thing might be challenging and difficult to another person and may be challenging and awesome because it's incredible challenge and an opportunity.

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