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You Can Never Judge a Book by Its Cover. Stories of Overcoming Adversity, Rising Above the Odds, and How Each Made it From High School to the Real World.

Stacks Image 133

Drugs All Around Me - Designing My Future

Stacks Image 464

Coming Out and the Battles I Endured

Stacks Image 478

I Knew I Wanted to Make Money!

Stacks Image 137

Adults Would Not Always Listen...

Stacks Image 150

Culture Shock

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Navigating My Way To Adulthood

Stacks Image 100

Bullied, Fighting Back With H.I.B.

Stacks Image 103

Making All The Mistakes And Coming Out the Other Side

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Dropping Out of College - What Next?

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Life After High School

Stacks Image 109

Growing Up Wasn't Easy

Stacks Image 115

Stronger Than I Knew - Self Doubt

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Work Ethic And Who You know

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Beaten & Regaining My Inner Strength

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Finding God Through Illness

Stacks Image 190

Multiple President’s Private Photographer

Stacks Image 186

Rebelling Against Dad & Becoming a Dad

© Copyright - All Rights Reserved - Andrew Jones - MllO 2021

© Copyright - All Rights Reserved - Andrew Jones - MllO 2021